Friday, October 26, 2012

Thank GOD, I had problems!!!!!!!! :-)

Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to us? Why we always end up getting hurt, despite trying be good human beings? What did I do wrong? Man.. that’s a million dollar question.. I have….a gazillionnnn times….. Asking myself these questions over and over again till my head starts to pain , brain goes sore along with my crocodile tears that can fill the ocean by now. I am sure most of you have gone through similar struggles, still going through perhaps. I do not know what you are going through right now, or how you feel about it, but meee…… I am happy.... sooooo happy that I have never felt so peaceful all my life, by GOD’s grace alone. You know why? Today I thank GOD for every single problem I have had, because without them…. I would not be where I am right now.

 I know many of my friends and relatives who are hurt right now. May be you were cheated, or betrayed in love or friendship or even marriage. May be you expected something but didn’t get it , which was a huge blow. May be you are nowhere close to where you dreamt you would be. May be you are feeling lonely. May be you hate your job. There are so many other may be’s that I cannot actually make a list here because it would be too long. But GUYS!!!, remember no matter what your going through this minute, no matter the situation and surrounding, GOD loves you, JESUS loves you. You wanna know how I say this? Because I, was exactly where you are. I was so hurt that I decided I did not want a life, a present, a future. I just wanted to sit still, stare into blank space and cry myself to death and it would have almost come true too.

Today GOD showed me something beautiful, that I want to share with you. I was just sitting outside in my garden staring at my beautiful plants, thinking of my past. I felt tears roll down my cheeks without my knowledge as I relived those moments that shattered my life over and over again. The people whom I had trusted, the things I had expected, the heartaches and heart breaks. But as I did that I remembered, that AFTER EVERY PROBLEM I HAD FACED IN LIFE, GOD JUST DIDN’T STOP WITH HELPING ME RECOVER, HE MADE ME GO A STEP HIGHER. And trust me; this has happened every single time I faced a problem.

 “Weeping my stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning – Psalm 30:5” 

I had hit rock bottom every single time, but GOD made me rise higher and higher, above everything else.

 So friends, don’t give up!

 “GOD has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, HE has an AWESOME hope and a future for you – Jeremiah 29:11

 I don’t know how I could have missed this happening over and over again in my life. Me goofing up things and messing my life, GOD comes and picks me from the miry clay, puts me on the rock to stay – on higher ground.

 May be I will face bigger troubles in the future. But two things are assured.

1. No matter where I am, what’s going on in my life, GOD is going to come and save me. Because HE NEVER gives up on me, NEVER HAS and NEVER WILL.

2. GOD will raise me further, to the next higher ground because with HIM I will always soar on wings like eagles.

The same goes to you also. Have faith in our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, the one who gave up HIS life for you on the cross is not going to let you fall, HE is not going to let you go.

Do not get disheartened by what is happening around you, for GOD has great plans in store for you. 

Cling on to HIM, TRUST in HIM and Depend ONLY on HIM.

Thank GOD for problems, because here comes your victories, in CHRIST JESUS. 

 I will see you on higher ground.

Yours forever
In love and prayers